
Turkish officials slam Israeli attacks on Gaza

Senior Turkish officials on Monday condemned Israeli forces’ attacks on the Gaza Strip in which at least nine Palestinians, including three children, were martyred.

Stating that Israel committed state terrorism, Fahrettin Altun, the Turkish communications director, said: “We will definitely call Israel to account for every atrocity, every massacre and every act of terrorism.”

“We will continue our struggle for Israel to be prosecuted before international law,” Altun added.

The Turkish parliament speaker said that Israel is literally practicing state terrorism.

Noting that three children were martyred as a result of the Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip, Mustafa Sentop said: “The UN and the whole world are silent again. Even if everyone is silent, as Turkey, we will never be silent.”

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, nine Palestinians, including three children, were killed in the Gaza Strip on Monday.

Earlier in the day, Palestinian groups fired rockets at Israeli locations in response to continued Israeli aggression at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the eviction of Palestinian families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem.

According to the Palestine Red Crescent, at least 305 people were injured on Monday as Israeli forces fired rubber-coated bullets, tear gas, and stun grenades at Palestinians who were on guard to prevent possible raids by extremist Jews.

Tensions have run high in the Sheikh Jarrah area since last week as Israeli settlers swarmed in after an Israeli court ordered the eviction of Palestinian families.

Palestinians protesting in solidarity with the residents of Sheikh Jarrah have been targeted by Israeli forces. Hundreds of protesters have been injured in the process.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and annexed the entire city in 1980 – a move that has never been recognized by the international community.​​​​​​​

Source: Anadolu Agency

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