
Pakistan’s former premier urges 2-state solution to Palestine-Israeli conflict

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani urged the implementation on Wednesday of a two-state formula to resolve the long-smoldering Palestine-Israeli- conflict.

Gilani said the two-state formula as per relevant UN resolutions, with pre-1967 borders, and Jerusalem as the capital of a “viable and independent” Palestinian state is a must for lasting peace in the Middle East.

His remarks came as he addressed a webinar titled, Israel-Palestine conflict: Dialogue Not Violence, hosted by Norwegian think tank Foundation Dialogue for Peace.

Speakers included the Palestinian and Israeli ambassadors to Norway, according to a statement.

Attacking worshipers at Al-Aqsa Mosque is a violation of basic human rights and international laws, according to Gilani, who also serves as Opposition Leader in the upper parliamentary house, the Senate.

“It is not only the barbarism against innocent worshipers, but such acts have no place in any religion,” he said.

Decades-old tensions between Israel and Palestine have resulted in heavy calamities and human losses in the region, said Gilani.

Hundreds of innocent Palestinians, including women and children, have been martyred and more than 1,000 injured in the recent “escalation between Israel and Palestine,” he said. “This bloodshed, caused by Israeli-occupied forces must come to an end immediately.”

Ignoring legitimate Palestinian demands, unenforceable UN Security Council resolutions, and backtracking on past promises and commitments have flared tensions and caused outrage in the Muslim world, especially in Palestinian people, he said.

Recent tensions, if not resolved, will push the region to a major war, he warned.

“The continuous oppression of Palestinian people by Israeli occupied forces and fear of losing the state will lead Palestinians toward militancy,” said Gilani. “Over the past several months, many Middle Eastern countries have established relations with Israel in a hope that they will convince Israel to abide by the relevant [UN] Security Council resolutions and end its illegal settlements on the occupied land,” he said. “The latest conflict will undermine this peace process.”

He urged the international community to fulfill its responsibility by “bringing both sides to the negotiating table to prevent further escalation.”

Source: Anadolu Agency

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