
Bernie Sanders faults Israeli government allies for escalation

US Senator Bernie Sanders on Tuesday faulted the actions of Israeli right-wing extremists for sending tensions spiraling and sparking another conflict between Israel and Palestine.

“Once again, we are seeing how the irresponsible actions of government-allied right-wing extremists in Jerusalem can escalate quickly into devastating war,” Sanders said on Twitter.

“Israeli children should not have to spend the night scared in bomb shelters, as many are doing tonight. Palestinian children should not have to grow up under the constant violence and oppression of occupation, as so many do, and have done,” he said.

Tensions in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem have been running at a fever-pitch after an Israeli court ordered the evictions of Palestinian families. The ruling has been appealed to Israel’s Supreme Court, which has delayed a hearing on the case.

Palestinians protesting in solidarity with residents of Sheikh Jarrah have repeatedly been targeted by Israeli forces and far-right settlers.

And during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Israeli authorities have harassed and attacked worshippers in the midst of prayers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam.

Tensions spread from East Jerusalem to the Gaza Strip after Palestinian groups in Gaza vowed to retaliate for the raids on Al-Aqsa and potential resident removals in Sheikh Jarrah.

As of late Tuesday, Israeli attacks on Gaza have killed 30 Palestinians, including 10 children and a woman, and injured over 200 others. Three Israelis have been killed and 31 others injured in rocket attacks from Gaza.

Sanders said Washington “must call for an immediate cease-fire and an end to provocative and illegal settlement activity.”

“And we must also recommit to working with Israelis and Palestinians to finally end this conflict,” he said.

Sourc:e: Anadolu Agency

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