
Kosovo holds march against abuse of disabled

Dozens of wheelchair users marched in Kosovo's capital Thursday to raise awareness about abuse of the disabled.

Demonstrators carried banners that read "Enough is enough", "My disabilities do not give you the right to abuse", "Don't neglect our skills" and "Stop the violence just because I am disabled."

Demonstrator Prensje Rahmani said the march wants to be the voice of rebellion that opposes and condemns misogyny, racism, sexism, harassment and all forms of violence.

"We can only fight violence and inequality together. Only together can we be closer to social and gender equality. It is enough. Abuse cannot be hidden within walls,'' he told reporters at the rally.

Kosovo state institutions declared 2022 as the year of the disabled.

There are approximately 200,000 disabled people in Kosovo, which corresponds to 10% of the population.

The country’s laws stipulate that one out of every 50 positions in state institutions should be filled by someone who is disabled.

Deputies in the Assembly of Kosovo often point out that the law is not implemented.

Source: Anadolu Agency